HU Scholarships for Prospective Students

Students may automatically qualify during the admissions process for the following scholarships. Some awards are dependent on funding limits and number of eligible applicants. Please confirm with your Admissions Advisor to determine your eligibility. Amounts listed are total awards per student, per degree.

CommuniCare ScholarshipAAS ($13,000), VN ($9,120) or BS ($26,000) total awardsActive CommuniCare employee that has received authorization from CommuniCare to participate. CommuniCare will verify initial and ongoing employment status.
Hallmark Alumni Family (Legacy) ScholarshipAAS ($2,000) or BS ($4,000) total awardsApplicant has one biological parent, adoptive parent, or legal guardian who is a Hallmark graduate.
Hallmark Alumni Graduate ScholarshipGraduate ($1,500) total award distributed in second academic yearAlumni pursuing graduate degree at Hallmark.
Hallmark High School ScholarshipAAS ($2,000) or BS ($4,000) total awardsRecent HS graduate, HU must be first college or university within two terms.
Hallmark Veteran Family ScholarshipAAS ($3,000) or BS ($6,000) total awardsImmediate family member of a US Military Veteran or Active Duty (spouse, child, or grandchild)
Hallmark Women in Aviation ScholarshipAAS ($2,000) or BS ($4,000) total awardsFemale applicant enrolling in AV program.
Hallmark Women in IT ScholarshipBS ($4,000) total awardFemale applicant enrolling in IT program.
Pay It Forward ScholarshipAny degree, All schools of study (up to $4,000) total awardBased on referral of recent graduate.
Medical Assistant Continuing Education ScholarshipBSBM Healthcare Concentration ($5,000) total awardStudents who are medical assistants and pursuing BSBM Healthcare degree.

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HU Scholarships for Current Students

Applications are accepted for the following scholarships. Scholarships are generally distributed twice a year in February and August with approval from the Scholarship Committee. Students may apply or be considered for more than one scholarship. Some awards are dependent on funding limits and number of eligible applicants. Amounts listed are total awards per student, per degree.

Dr. Adreain Henry and Karen Henry Scholarship$500All schools of study to first generation college student. Minimum 2.5 GPA.
Hallmark CyberPatriot Scholarship$15,000BS student who has participated in CyberPatriot team. Recent high school graduate (within calendar year), maintains a 3.0 minimum GPA, and 90% attendance rate.
MOMS Scholarship$1,500 (awarded in August only)All schools of study with preference given to single mothers. Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to faith-based values, exemplary character, and strong work ethic.
Baptist Health Foundation$4,000 averageAmount of funding varies based on number of eligible applicants. BSN students in School of Nursing. Must live in one of 8 surrounding counties, commit to working in nursing field following graduation, and agree to write letter to community leader.
The Younger Family Bright Lights Award$1,500AAS students in College of Aeronautics. Applicants must have high academic achievement, exemplary attendance, and demonstrate high character with additional eligibility criteria. Preference given based on military service, females, and work-school-life schedule balance ability.
City of San Antonio Ready to Work tuition reimbursementAAS ($6,600), BS ($12,300)All schools of study. Must have completed 30 hours of coursework and meet residency and income requirements. External application though City of San Antonio.
80|20 FoundationVariableAmount of funding varies based on certification cost and number of certification exams taken Provides certification funding for students in School of Technology. Student must demonstrate test readiness prior to certification exam. Automatic qualification based on successful pre-test diagnostic.
Robert Bruce and Captain Nancy Bruce Scholarship$15,000AAS students in College of Aeronautics. Applicants must demonstrate high academic achievement, cannot be receiving Pell or VA benefits, and demonstrate high character. Automatic qualification based on AV instructor recommendation.
James Avery ScholarshipAAS in AV ($2,500) total awardMust be active AMT student, minimum 3.0 GPA, earned PP certification, non-veteran. Preference given to students entering 6th term.
Kelly Harris ScholarshipSchool of Business ($20,000) total awardIncoming undergrad female must maintain 2.5 minimum GPA, essay required at graduation outlining recipient's bio and post-grad plans. (August only)

The application period is now closed. Current students will be notified when the application window opens for the August distribution period. Questions? Please email

HU External Scholarship Resources

Use these resource links to research and apply for additional externally funded scholarships.

Career One Stop: US Department of Labor Scholarship Search ToolSearch more than 9,500 Scholarships, fellowships, grants, and other financial aid opportunities.Click Here
Navigate Your Future ScholarshipFor high school seniors planning a career in the general aviation field.Click Here Directory and Search ToolHelps students and parents find scholarships they may qualify for based on various criteria, including academic major, school year, geographic location and other demographics and attributes.Click Here

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