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By submitting this form, I confirm that the information provided on this form is accurate and complete and I agree to receive email, phone, and text communications from Hallmark University at the numbers provided above, including my wireless numbers if provided. I understand that my consent is not a condition of purchasing services from the University and that if I wish to request information without providing the above consent, I may request information by contacting the University directly at (210) 690-9000.

Can I get Financial Aid at Hallmark University?

Yes. Hallmark University is approved for federal financial aid, scholarships, and U.S. veterans benefits.

Are you accredited?

Yes, Hallmark is accredited through the ACCSC(Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges).

How long are your class semesters/terms?

Our terms are 8 weeks long. This allows us to have 6 terms a year so there is no need to wait to apply.

Is Hallmark a 2 year or 4 year University?

We offer associate, bachelor, and master level degrees. We are not a trade school and we offer degrees which are found at both 2 year and 4 year colleges/universities. The biggest difference is that our degrees can be completed in nearly half the time of traditional universities.

Start A CareerIn Information Technology

An associate’s degree in Information Technology provides students with a fundamental understanding of the role technology plays in the workplace. Students are introduced to computer programming, cybersecurity, networking, and more to prepare them for a variety of entry-level IT roles.

An associate’s degree in Information Technology from Hallmark University equips students with a foundational understanding of the industry and instills critical thinking skills needed to advance in the field. Students learn to troubleshoot common IT problems and gain a firm grasp on the fundamentals of information security.

Upon receiving their associate’s degree in Information Technology, graduates find themselves capable of problem-solving an organization’s IT issues, utilizing theories and technologies commonly found throughout the industry, and on a new pathway to a career in IT.

Cisco Server
Month Program

and Evening

Comptia Partner Logo

Earn Multiple Industry Certifications

Earn Industry Certifications With Your Degree

As students approach the final stages of the information technology associate degree program, they can test for industry certifications. Courses within the program offer training for several high-profile certifications, so new graduates can showcase their expertise to employers. Graduate with certifications in networking, security, and more to prove your skills to the hiring manager.

View Certifications


Our Hardware and Software Lab immerses students in the fundamentals of computing. Students learn by doing, testing these computers, loading them with software, updating, and configuring them. Having the opportunity to troubleshoot components that fail and learning how to diagnose symptoms of errors, allows our graduates to have a fuller understanding of computers; and prepares them for certifications. All students who pass through this lab exit with a richer foundation of computers and technology.

Next Class Start:
Career Outlook

Woman working on laptop in front of server roomCOMPUTER SUPPORT SPECIALISTS HAVE AN ESTIMATED JOB GROWTH OF 10% FROM 2018 TO 2028 AND A MEDIAN SALARY OF $54,760.

– Bureau of Labor Statistics

Computer Support Specialists’ positions are growing faster than all occupations combined.

The outlook is promising for those entering the Computer Support job market as computer support specialists’ growth is projected at 10% for 2018-28, which is greater than the 5% average of all occupations combined.

Data gathered from

job outlook graph
Salary Outlook
Salaries for Computer Support Specialists are nearly 1.5x the average of all occupations combined.

The BLS reports that Computer Support Specialists’ median annual wages are $54,760 which is better than the total of all occupations at $39,810. The highest 10 percent earned more than $88,470 highlighting the promising future these specialists have.

Data gathered from


annual salary graph
Earn ValuableIndustry Certifications

Certifications speak to your capabilities in IT, which is why our degree program actively prepares students to test for certifications before graduation. Our Information Technology associate’s degree specifically includes courses that prepare students for specific certifications that employers look for. By the end of their degree, students can receive the most sought-after certifications focused in:

  • Networking
  • Security
  • Operating Systems

Several certifications in the program are even covered by tuition, making it even easier for students to stand out to employers.

Certifications covered by tuition:

  • Comptia Network+
  • Comptia Security+
Cisco Server Room Employee
Changing Education by Making It Affordable

Our commitment to changing education does not end at innovative programs and student experience. We are committed to making education affordable by offering programs at a competitive tuition cost with a unique value proposition – spend less time in school, and more time making money.

Less Time, More Money

Our fast-paced model allows students to go through our associate-level programs in just 15 months. This is almost three times faster than the national average for associate degree completions in 43 months. Studies have shown that on average, every year spent at a university can cost over $50,000 in lost wages and tuition – that’s just over $123,000 in savings at Hallmark University.

-The 4-Year Myth,

Hallmark University


Month Associate’s Degree


National Average


Month Associate’s Degree


Earn an Associates’s

Almost 3x

Faster at Hallmark
Tuition Costs

Cost Per Credit HourTotal Credit HoursTechnology Fee Per Term

*Tuition does not include any additional fees


Financial aid is available.

Hallmark University is approved for federal financial aid, scholarships, and U.S. veterans benefits.

Learn more about financial options at Hallmark University.

A.A.S. Information Technology Admissions Requirements

Hallmark University is a nationally accredited, co-educational facility with two campuses, both located in San Antonio, Texas. Both schools are accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges and approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The Texas Veterans Commission approves Hallmark University to train veterans. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approves Hallmark University, College of Aeronautics. Hallmark University does not deny admission to or participation in programs and activities or discriminate against students enrolled at the university on the basis of race, creed, color, age, sex, disability (including students who have Hepatitis B in medical, nursing, and any health-related programs), national origin, or religion.
Hallmark uses college-level placement exams containing reading, writing, and algebra skills to schedule students in the appropriate courses. The assessment can be completed at the student’s pace. All exams are computer-based and will be scored upon completion.


A.A.S. Information Technology applicants are required to submit one of the following for verification of high school or equivalency completion:

  • An official high school diploma
  • An official high school transcript indicating high school graduation
  • Official GED scores or certificate
  • A certificate of release or discharge from active military duty (DD Form 214) indicating high school graduation or equivalent
  • A certificate of Record of Military Processing, U.S. DD Form 1966/1 indicating high school graduation or equivalent
  • An official college transcript that indicates the applicant has graduated from high school

The applicant is notified of acceptance once he/she has and has been approved by the Acceptance Committee. Applicants denied entrance by the Acceptance Committee, will have all application fees paid refunded.


A non-traditional high school student is a person enrolled in home school programs or a student from a high school that is non-accredited or not recognized by the Texas Education Agency. An applicant applying for admission based on the completion of an independent study equivalent to the high school level in a non-traditional setting (rather than through a public high school, accredited private high school or state equivalency exam) will be considered for individual approval for admission provided is he/she complies with Hallmark University’s entrance testing requirements and presents an official transcript for homeschool education that states the student’s name, date of graduation, and is signed by the person who is responsible for the homeschooling.

  • Associate and Bachelor of Science Degree Requirements

    In addition to the general admission requirements (see General Requirements), in order to be considered for admission into the Bachelor of Science and/or Associate of Science programs, an applicant must meet one of following requirements:

    • Completed the Hallmark University Prep Program.
    • Graduated from high school within the top 25 percentile of their graduating class.
    • Taken the ACT or SAT within 12 years of submitting their admission application and met one of the minimum standards listed below:
    High School RankACTOld SAT*New SAT*
    Top 25%No MinimumNo MinimumNo Minimum
    Second 25%17 or above800 or above880 or above
    Third 25%19 or above900 or above980 or above
    Forth 25%21 or above1000 or above1080 or above
    Home school or GED StudentsThere is no minimum SAT/ACT score, but scores must be submitted from the testing agency.
    • Taken and passed at least one area and no less than 20% from passing in any area not passed on any of the following exams: THEA, ASSET, Compass, Accuplacer or TASP. Test scores must be submitted for review by the Academic Review Committee to determine college readiness in Texas and/or placement in the Hallmark University Readiness Program.
      Texas Ready Passing Scores:
    AssessmentMathReadingSentence Skills/WritingWriting Sample
    • Verification of completion of a minimum of 9 college credit hours with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 on an official transcript from an accredited college or university and determined to be college ready in Texas.
    • Verification of completion of an Associate’s degree program on an official transcript from an accredited college or university.

    Applicants are required to submit a typed essay stating personal goals as a student in the program and as a future graduate. If the student feels it is necessary, they may explain any limitations to their acceptance such as low scores on tests or transcripts.

  • A.A.S. Information Technology

    In addition to the general admission requirements, a qualifying score on the Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam published by Wonderlic Personnel Test, Inc., is required for entrance into the Information Technology, Cisco and/or Microsoft programs. A minimum score of 15 must be achieved on the admission’s assessment for each program. An applicant who has earned a degree or who has earned 9 college credit hours and meets the standard definition of “College Ready” may be exempt from the Wonderlic entrance requirement.

    If an applicant does not initially pass the first assessment, the applicant may take a second assessment on the same day. An applicant may take a third assessment on a different day using a Careers Programs Assessment (CPAt) assessment, published by American University Testing, Inc. The applicant must achieve a minimum score of 120 on the CPAt. An applicant may complete the assessment process for admission to Hallmark University once per start date and a maximum of three times in a one-year period.

Program Outline

While earning an IT industry certification is not a requirement of the A.A.S. Information Technology program, students will be actively encouraged to do so. It is expected that students will complete at least one major IT certification, many of which require passing several industry administered exams at about the same time they graduate from the program. Throughout, the program offers an unusual and exciting mix of theory and application. Although traditional academic work dominates, about 40% of the curriculum is devoted to hands-on activities.

IT School Students working with computer components in class lab

Can I get Financial Aid at Hallmark University?

Yes. Hallmark University is approved for federal financial aid, scholarships, and U.S. veterans benefits.

Are you accredited?

Yes, Hallmark is accredited through the ACCSC(Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges).

How long are your class semesters/terms?

Our terms are 8 weeks long. This allows us to have 6 terms a year so there is no need to wait to apply.

Is Hallmark a 2 year or 4 year University?

We offer associate, bachelor, and master level degrees. We are not a trade school and we offer degrees which are found at both 2 year and 4 year colleges/universities. The biggest difference is that our degrees can be completed in nearly half the time of traditional universities.